2024 / 06 / 14


Hussain’s journey into engineering began with a bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan. This field perfectly blended his interests in mechanical, electrical, and computer sciences. His bachelor project focused on developing multi-robot systems and researching solutions to resolve deadlocks while performing tasks collaboratively. The multi-robot system was designed to intercommunicate and execute tasks as a team, highlighting his skills in robotics and teamwork. This interdisciplinary foundation ignited his passion for robotics, leading him to pursue a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering with a specialization in Biomechanics and Legged Robotics at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
During his master’s program, Hussain engaged in significant projects, including developing a Robot Dog and collaborating with Volkswagen on battery health monitoring systems. Apart from his formal education, Hussain holds certifications in Industrial Automation (Certified Industrial Automation Associate). He is also an active member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, the German Physics Society (DPG), and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).


After completing his master’s degree Modules, Hussain moved to Munich to be near his family. This relocation coincided with his search for professional opportunities, leading him to DeepDrive. Starting as a working student, Hussain quickly integrated into the team, finding the company’s innovative culture and dynamic environment highly appealing.


Hussain’s role at DeepDrive has evolved significantly since he joined as a working student. Now serving as an engineering associate, his primary focus is on automating production lines and integrating industrial robotics into the company’s operations. His responsibilities are diverse and multifaceted. Hussain oversees the assembly of motor mechanical subcomponents, forming a crucial part of the motor. His meticulous approach ensures precision and reliability in these assemblies.
Hussain works closely with suppliers to enhance production automation. This involves daily and weekly interactions to find innovative solutions that meet the increasing demands of DeepDrive’s production processes. In addition to his other duties, Hussain is involved in process development, integrating industrial robotics to automate production lines and improve overall efficiency. He is also responsible for manufacturing data acquisition, ensuring that data is efficiently extracted from machines to monitor and maintain smooth operations while satisfying quality requirements.


Reflecting on his time at DeepDrive, Hussain appreciates the supportive and hardworking culture that defines the company. The collective effort of the team to achieve ambitious goals has been a significant factor in his decision to stay and contribute to the company’s mission.
Outside of work, Hussain stays engaged with technological advancements, particularly in high-performance computing. His hobby includes studying and resolving deadlocks in computing, demonstrating his deep interest in ensuring efficient and effective computational processes. He enjoys playing table tennis and spending time with his family, maintaining a balance between his professional and personal life. His move to Munich, driven by familial ties, proved advantageous as it brought him closer to opportunities at DeepDrive.
Looking ahead, Hussain is enthusiastic about future projects at DeepDrive. He remains committed to advancing robotics and automation, contributing to the company’s goal of becoming a prominent name in the automotive industry.